Our newly introduced shipment filters allow you to segment and pinpoint shipments more easily, based on the shipment’s status, creation date, creating user, and origin and destination countries.
The new filters work seamlessly with the existing filtering and sorting functions and can be applied concurrently (for example you can filter your shipments by both status and creation date at the same time).

The advanced filter bar can be found at the top of the packages list for easy access and can support multiple business operations.

Use the ‘Status’ filter to focus on upcoming shipments, analyse past traffic, or monitor ongoing activity.
Use the ‘Created At’ filter to handle recent activity or to delve into your organization’s logistics history.

Concentrate on your work or review the work of colleagues, subordinates, or specific teams in your organization using the ‘Created By’ filter.
The ‘Shipping From’ and ‘Shipping To’ filters allow you to review export or import shipments, or to highlight your traffic through specific countries.